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What is an amino acid?

An amino acid is a monomer of a protein formed from an amino group, carboxyl group and variable R-group. They are held in long chains via peptide bonds.

Answered by Bridget S. Biology tutor

Explain how a stimulus can result in a reflex reaction

Stimulus, e.g. pressure or heat, is detected by receptors. This impulse is carried on neurones. Neurones meet at a synapse where neurotransmitters diffuse across the synapse. The impulse is then carried ...

Answered by Rosie C. Biology tutor

Explain the pathway of a reflex, and name the neurones involved.

(Background) A reflex is a sudden, unconscious and involuntary response to a stimuli. It occurs through 3 different types of neurones or nerve cells: 1) The stimulus (heat, pain, light) i...

Answered by Alexander B. Biology tutor

Explain what is meant by "active transport"? (3)

Answer: "The movement of molecules across a membrane from an area of lower to higher concentration. This process requires energy which is supplied in the form of ATP from respiration"Explain: co...

Answered by Molly L. Biology tutor

Describe the effect of an increase in ADH production on the kidney and on the composition of urine.

ADH stands for anti-diuretic hormone. An increase in ADH production would lead to more water being reabsorbed into the blood/capillaries. As such, urine contains less water and becomes more concentrated.<...

Answered by Amandie M. Biology tutor

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