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English Language
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Identify and analyse uses of lexis and semantics in this text (newspaper article)

Text A is written as a television review and is designed not only to entertain the readers with comedic features, but also to appear reliable and giving just criticism. This is achieved through a range of...

Answered by English Language tutor

Evaluate how both texts show how language has changed over time.

Identify period of language e.g. Old English: 450-1100 AD (highly unlikely) Middle English: 1100- 1450 Early Modern English : 1450- 1700 (most likely) Modern English: 1700- 19...

Answered by Christy M. English Language tutor

I struggle finding points of comparison when comparing two texts. How can I better approach this question?

First of all, when coming up with points of comparison, try thinking about things on a broader scale. For example, do both texts approach a similar subject matter? Do both texts clearly convey ideas and e...

Answered by Lucy O. English Language tutor

What does 'reading critically' mean and how can I do it?

That's a really great question and a really important thing to be thinking about if you want to be an excellent English language student! If your teacher is asking you to read critically, they're probably...

Answered by Lochlann A. English Language tutor

‘The best way to explain children’s language development is to focus on what they use it for.’ Referring to Data Set 1 in detail, and to relevant ideas from language study, evaluate this view of children’s language development. (taken from paper 1 2018)

Answered by English Language tutor

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