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Human Biology
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Explain how a vaccination can prevent an illness.

A vaccine introduces a dead or inactive pathogen such as components of a virus or bacteria. The host (the person who receives the vaccination) will develop an immune response to this pathogen. The immune ...

Answered by Human Biology tutor

Describe and explain the differences between arteries and veins.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart, whereas veins carry blood back towards the heart.Arteries have much thicker muscular walls in comparison to veins, as they need to carry blood at hi...

Answered by Celine W. Human Biology tutor

Describe the basic structure and function of the heart

The heart is made up of two pump systems: right and left, each side contains an atrium and a ventricle making up a total of 4 chambers. The left ventricle wall is thicker than the right as it is required ...

Answered by Laura I. Human Biology tutor

Describe what an action potential is and how is it transmitted. Refer to the action of stimuli and neurons in your answer.

An action potential is when a neuron sends an electrical signal down an axon, away from the cell body (soma). A stimulus is detected by a motor neuron e.g. through mechanoreceptors that detect touch on th...

Answered by Elena S. Human Biology tutor

How many chambers does the heart have and what are their functions?

The heart has 4 chambers: right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle and left ventricle.Right atrium - pumps blood from the Vena Cava to the right ventricle.Right ventricle - pumps blood to the lungs.Left...

Answered by Sadat Y. Human Biology tutor

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