Valentine's Day flowers
Just for fun

Happy Valentine’s Day

Chocolates, bouquets, cards and kisses… Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love in countries all over the world. Whether it’s with that special someone or with your friends or family, what will you be doing come February the 14th?

A brief history of Valentine’s Day

First off, who was Saint Valentine and why is he associated with love in the 21st century?

One legend tells of a priest who lived in the time of the Roman Empire. In a era fraught with conflict, the Emperor Claudius II forbade young men to get married. He believed romance was a distraction to the soldiers’ abilities.

But Saint Valentine took pity on the young lovers in the city and so continued to perform marriages in secret. He was eventually caught and sentenced to death. In the days before his execution on February 14, 270, it is said that he wrote a final letter to the daughter of one of the men who was to judge him, signing off with: “from your Valentine”.

Valentine’s Day today

And so the tradition continues today, with people of all ages calling upon their loved ones to be each other’s Valentines, after the saint who so bravely stood up for love in the face of a merciless emperor.

It is common in the UK and many other cultures now for both men and women to send flowers to each other on February 14th. Traditionally, red roses are for passion and romantic love, while pink ones are for friendship. But any flower, of any colour will no doubt bring about a smile! Chocolates and cards are also a big hit, with many shops and supermarkets taking advantage of the season and offering various Valentine’s Day-specific goodies.

Some different Valentine’s Day ideas

Why not do something a bit more creative and take the time to write your own letter, poem or song to your Valentine? If it’s a letter or a poem, handwrite it to make it all the more personal! Love, after all, is most obvious in the amount of time and effort you invest in someone.

For a chilled and fun date idea that isn’t too hard on the wallet, ditch the crowded, fancy restaurants and just be a tourist in your own area! It’s easy to look past the charming little places right under our noses. Don’t plan anything and just go! There’s nothing quite as romantic as spontaneity.

Valentine’s Day is all about love – and not just romantic love – so branching out into charity is a perfect way to do Saint Valentine justice. Volunteer your time to a local charity and show those around you that you care. Bring your own Valentine’s date for a double whammy. You could also collect the flowers people receive on the 14th and redistribute them to nursing or care homes nearby. Even just baking a cake for someone or any other small act of kindness can go a long way.

Whatever you decide do this year, make Valentine’s Day count. Less commercialised and more what it’s really about: love, in any size, shape or form.

Written by Maia H.

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