An open laptop shows a pupil's progress in a subject, surrounded by illustrations of scientific icons
MyTutor for Parents

Spotlight on Student Accounts

MyTutor Student Accounts are the go-to place for boosting confidence around learning. And while they’ve been around for a while, they’ve recently had a refresh – and now offer a whole host of new features. From improved access to lessons to a suite of revision tools, they give students the tools they need to succeed at school and beyond.

More than just lessons

It goes without saying that the person arranging tuition isn’t necessarily the person having it. And that parents and students have very different needs when it comes to a website like ours. That’s why everyone taking lessons with MyTutor has access to their own account that’s tailored to them. Just like on Netflix or Spotify, students’ accounts are separate from – but connected to – their parent’s account. 

Even though you can access lessons when you log in as a parent, these accounts are mostly focused on the admin side of having tutoring classes. Student Accounts are where the learning really takes off.

What’s in a Student Account?

No two accounts look the same – every learner is different, after all. But you can expect to find:

  • A dedicated place to take lessons
  • Unlimited GCSE practice questions in Maths, Chemistry, and Geography
  • Easy access to recordings of previous sessions
  • Messaging with the tutor
  • Personalised recommendations for revision topics (coming soon)

Here’s what yours might look like:

The Student Account webpage, showing practice progress, an upcoming lesson, unread messages, lesson recordings, past papers, among other content

Students log in to their accounts with their own emails, without having to use their parents’ details. This makes it easy for them to access their learning independently, wherever they are.

Meanwhile, parents have a clear overview of how students are communicating with their tutor and what’s happening in their lessons from their Parent Account.

Let’s get set up

If you haven’t used Student Accounts yet, log in to your Parent Account and follow these steps:

  1. Click your initials at the top right of the screen
  2. Select Your students
  3. See what email address each student has associated with their account
  4. Students can use that email to log in

If there aren’t any students listed there, add a separate account for each of your children. Encourage your child to set their own email and password, and give them ownership of their learning space. 

Meanwhile, enjoy the privacy of your own parent account, where you can schedule lessons, message your tutor, and receive feedback on their progress. Finally, a bit of peace and quiet – until dinner time, at least.

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