
Check out this article on our helpdesk to learn more about tutor payment details

Tutor payment details FAQs

Who pays who?

Tutors are self-employed, and are contracted directly by the customer to provide tutoring services. MyTutor raises an invoice on your behalf and then deducts the charges you pay to MyTutor before transferring the funds to your bank account.

Why is there a charge to MyTutor?

Working as a tutor is a bit like running your own business, and like all businesses this comes with operating costs. When you work with MyTutor, we take a fee to help cover the cost of finding you parents and students to work with, running and improving the website, and creating more opportunities for our tutors. We’re an early stage start-up (and pre-profit!) so all our revenues are currently going back into improving the site and find you more customers to work with.

Why is there a VAT charge?

There is an obligation for us to charge VAT on the fees you pay to MyTutor.

I've completed a lesson - why can't I see it in my invoices?

Invoices show up on your account after they've been paid. You can see a complete list of your lessons from your bookings page.

I haven't been paid - what should I do?

Please check this article to find out when you should expect to be paid. If your payment appears to be late, double check the bank details you provided as part of your application and send us an email to let us know on

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