Home Schooling

What should my teen be learning in lockdown?

· May 7, 2020


Since exams were cancelled and schools were closed, many teens have naturally felt at a loose end. With the pattern of the school year thrown off, it’s important to keep their education on track for the next school year. Whether they’re stepping up to GCSEs, A Levels, college or university, now’s a great time to get ready for the next stage. Keep reading for some pointers on getting their home learning now make the difference later.

Fill in old learning gaps

If there are any topics your teen didn’t totally grasp this year, it’ll only make things harder when they get to the next stage. The extra time they have now is a chance for them to revisit any of these lingering learning gaps, and fill them in for good. If they’re moving on to A Levels next year, going over old GCSE topics will help them get as ready as possible while still keeping things familiar. Even if they’re confident in their subjects, going over topics at the same level will help them stop any new learning gaps from forming ahead of next term.

Get a step ahead

If they’re feeling ready, or up for a challenge, you can use this time as an opportunity to get ahead with any new courses or subjects they’re excited for. If they’re moving up to GCSEs or A Levels, some schools have started to do this, so it’s worth checking in with their teachers to see if they’ve got any pointers for home learning now.

If your child is waiting to start university in September, now’s a good time for them to start making the leap from school to degree-level. Even if they don’t know where they’ll be going yet, they could try reading books from some of the course reading lists or give some more advanced exercises a go. This can also give them a sense of progress and achievement while there’s all the uncertainty with grades and offers.

If their next step is an apprenticeship or college, online resources and independent projects in the same areas can help them stay engaged and prepared for when institutions and workplaces re-open. A creative or practical project at home is another great way to keep kids busy and learning while schools stay closed.

Find help from an expert

For any curriculum-focused learning, online tuition is a great way to get help. With MyTutor, all our tutors sat their GCSEs and A Levels in the past few years, so they know the courses back-to-front and they can explain things in a way teens can understand.

Don’t over-do it

While the school day is 6-7 hours on average, you shouldn’t feel pressured to replicate this sort of timetable at home. In lockdown, looking after your teen’s wellbeing is the most important thing. The key is to create a schedule that’s relaxed enough to keep stress at bay, and structured enough to keep them busy and engaged.

Try something off-curriculum

Focusing on school work is important, but it’s not the only way to learn. Your teen might be interested in a part of history that’s not taught in school, a language they haven’t had the chance to learn before or an area of science that wasn’t on their school curriculum. See our blog with a list of online learning resources for more tips on extra-curricular learning.

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