2023-4 exam year
MyTutor Updates

A February update from MyTutor | Our advice to get more work⭐

Spring term is underway and as our tutor community grows – we want to continue supporting each of you to pick up more slots and earn money easily. Here’s some advice and updates from our side:

Quick ways to get more slots💰

Struggling to pick up work? While it might feel like there’s a lack of work, this could be because your current tutoring details aren’t as detailed as they could be!

To increase your chance of picking up slots- we recommend the following:

Add more levels to your profile– Teaching a subject at GCSE (the most popular level)? If you can, why not extend that to KS3 and A-level too?

Offer a wide range of subjects – Currently, the most demanded subjects are Maths, English (both lit and lang) and Science (all 3 of them)- so these will open up the most opportunities (and have the highest competition!).

It’s worth including subjects outside this, particularly for the higher levels. Since they’re taught by fewer tutors they’ll increase your chances of getting work.

Download our tutor app – This is the best and quickest way to get notified of new opportunities in real time.

Don’t forget to boost! – (more on this below)

👉 Get more slots now by editing your profile

Keep your priority status at number one☝️

It’s been a few months now since we introduced our new pay band and priority status system. For those who’ve been slipping down from Priority 1 to Priority 2 and aren’t sure why – here’s a reminder of how to keep yourself at Priority 1:

Be reliable – attend your lessons on time (or let us know in advance if you need cover)
Confirm your availability – let us know when you’re free to work
Use the boost button – Do this each week to again show you’re looking for work

👉 Check your Priority status now

Tutor Reps – what was discussed in January💬

Last month, your tutor reps gathered your suggestions and shared an agenda with the MyTutor team. The key things discussed were:

Pupils using mobile phones to launch lesson
• Schools pupil details form
• Cover lessons
• Tutor payment
• Tutor emails/comms

Remember to continue getting in touch with your tutor reps by using the #tutorreps hashtag on the Facebook forum, or leaving a suggestion here.

👉 View the full detailed notes

Happy tutoring and we’re looking forward to sharing more updates with you soon!

The MyTutor team

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you. You can reach us on tutors@mytutor.co.uk or 0203 773 6024.

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