MyTutor Updates

The latest from MyTutor: private students & tech improvements

School may be out for summer, but it’s busier than ever here at MyTutor HQ, with lots of exciting things going on. In this bumper update, we’re giving you a sneak peek of our plans for the next few months and what we hope to achieve.

Private students

Parents have flocked to MyTutor over the past couple of months, and the lessons you’ve delivered have been a lifeline for children missing out on school during lockdown – not to mention parents dealing with homeschooling for the first time! 

In mid-July, we launched a fantastic ‘Special Buy’ partnership with Aldi to offer a 55% discount on parents’ first two lessons (don’t worry – the cost is on us), which generated lots of headlines, with coverage in national and regional papers, including the Telegraph, Metro, Grazia and the Mirror.

Moving on from column inches to the small screen, we’re incredibly excited for the launch of our first major TV ad campaign, coming to your living room from 17th August. We’re massively grateful to our brilliant tutors Safena, Jack and Izzy, who played a starring role in the advert. The campaign will showcase the amazing work you do to millions of parents across the UK – we’ll be sure to share once it’s live. 

In July, we also wound up our free Online School for the summer, and the final paid small group courses will also be wrapping up over the next couple of weeks. We’d like to dish out another big thank you to the 8 tutors who delivered group tutorials, generating 9,000 views and helping pupils to keep on top of GCSE content while schools were closed.

Last but not least, in recognition of the amazing work you’ve done over the last year, we’ll be launching our Tutor Awards again, once exam results are out – giving parents the opportunity to sing your praises and put you in the running for some fab prizes.

Tech improvements

Over the past few months, our tech team have been hard at work on some big projects to improve your experience as tutors, including developing a new MyTutor mobile app. We’ve been perfecting our prototypes (with help from our alpha testers), and have had some great feedback so far. Now that we’re done prototyping, it’s full speed ahead with development. 

The first feature we’re concentrating on for the app is a really slick, reliable messaging experience to make communication with parents and students easier on the move. From there, it’s onwards and upwards as we continue adding features and functionality to ensure we’re delivering an app that you’ll really love.

Our other big tech priority is the lesson space. We’ve been making lots of improvements, which we’re now trialling with our “alpha testers” Facebook community. These include:

  • Making it easier to see what your student is looking at
  • De-bugging our temperamental text boxes
  • Making the lesson space more reliable and stable
  • Freeing up more screen space for the whiteboard

We’ll keep you posted as and when these updates go live, and look forward to hearing your thoughts! 

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you. You can reach us on or 0203 773 6024. In the meantime, have a fantastic summer break! 

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