How to be supportive during exams
MyTutor Updates

Tutors’ update: get more work, meet our winners and a test update

Uni bag: packed. Modules: chosen. Your life: busier. It’s that time of year again. 

September’s a hectic time if you’re a student. And even more so if you’re a tutor too. 

So we’ll keep it brief. Here’s your monthly MyTutor update: a breakdown of everything you need to know.  

An update on our pay-as-you-go test

Rather than just letting you know the final result, we want to keep you actively updated with how the test is going. 

We’re currently collecting the data and it’s important for us to analyse it closely and consider the points you raised in your feedback. That’ll take a little longer, but it’s the next step and we’ll share once it’s ready. 

More teachers completing pupil detail forms

Tried teaching a pupil with no teacher notes? Yeah, that sucks. We know it happens, so we’ve been busy finding a fix. 

We’ve improved our Pupil Detail form for teachers so it’s slick, simple and easy to fill out. What does it mean for you? Well since we launched it, completion rate has increased by 115%, so you’ll be getting more notes on your students to help you teach tailored lessons. Result. 

Looking for more work?

Now that kids are settled back into their school routine, you’ll start seeing more work opportunities. Here’s our top tips to pick them up:

  • Increase the subjects you offer (hint: core subjects at GCSE are most popular)
  • Set your availability between 2-5pm (because that’s when most lessons happen) 
  • Improve your priority status by showing up on time, and giving notice when you can’t
  • Boost! It’s the quickest way to show us that you’re ready to work
  • Private tutors, try uploading a video to your profile. It’ll help you stand out from the crowd

New community loading…

What better way to celebrate back to school than with a new tutor community? It’s been a long time coming, but it’s launching. This month. 

Keep your eyes on your inbox for your invitation to join. Teaser below 👀

A monthly message from the matching team 💌

New segment alert! 

If you’re working on the private side, our matching team is working for you. They speak with parents, sing your praises, and set up the free meetings that land you work. And they have plenty of insights on how you can get more. 

This month, they want to help you with 11/13+ tutor requests.

If you’ve got this on your profile as a level you tutor, make sure your bio also mentions how you can help with verbal/nonverbal reasoning. It’ll help with the matching process as parents want to know if you’re knowledgeable in that area, or if you can help with grammar school entrance exams. 

P.S. a personalised reply to free meeting requests goes a long way! 

Tutor Award winners 

To give a tiny glimpse of the MyTutor magic that goes on every day, we asked parents to nominate a tutor who’s inspired their teen. 

We had plenty of nominations from proud parents, raving about the way you, our tutors, have gone above and beyond, lesson after lesson. Picking the winners was tough, but we’re pleased to celebrate some of our legendary tutors in our Awards blog post.

Read the blog post 

Thanks to Dr.Vegan, Stocked and Spice Kitchen UK for filling the winner’s goodie bags. 

We’re always looking for ways to reward your hard work, so make sure you’re following our Instagram for our next giveaway (hint: it’s food-related).

Follow our Instagram

Thanks for catching up with us, and good luck with the new academic year. 


The MyTutor team

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