MyTutor Updates

An update from MyTutor | New NTP safeguarding rules, new lesson space features & the 2022 Tutor Awards

With the school year back in action, things are back in full swing at MyTutor. Here’s your monthly update:

An update on the new school pay band system💰

Recently we mentioned that we’d be introducing pay bands for school opportunities. Unfortunately, due to a few technical problems, we’ve not been able to put the pay bands in place yet. 

We’re currently doing our best to get this sorted and we’ll keep you posted in the meantime (so keep an eye on your inbox and homepage). Please note any lessons you accept before this change is live, will be paid on the old pricing. For more information on this, read this article.

 Thanks for bearing with us on this one.

Changes to NTP rules: how it affects school tutors 👇

If you haven’t seen already, we’ve made updates to our safeguarding policy in line with new rules from the NTP. We’re really sorry for not communicating about this more clearly from the off, and for any stress caused in the last couple of weeks.  If you’re a school tutor, you now need to do the following: 

• Complete  new Prevent training

• Have a DBS check that’s less than 12 months old

• Provide 2 approved reference checks from anyone who could sign your passport photo

• Provide a 5 year address history

• If you’ve lived overseas for more than 3 months in the same country in the past 5 years – you’ll need to provide your own overseas checks from that country

We understand that it’s a really big ask to get all of this paperwork, and we really appreciate the quick turnaround a lot of you have made to stay compliant. For more information about these changes and how to sort the right documents, have a read of this article.

You asked and we listened: new lesson space features 🪛

Equation editor – For Maths and Science tutors, we’ve added an equation editor to the lesson space maths tools which lets you insert specific equations onto the whiteboard as images. 

Maths images – There’s now a list of popular maths images and graphs which can easily be added to the whiteboard.

File sharing and emojis – One that’s been asked for a lot  – you can now send files during the lessons through the chat box. We’ve also added some emojis to jazz up your messages in lessons.

You can read more about these changes, and how they work, in our latest blog.

Announcing our MyTutor Tutor Awards 2022 winners 🏆

At MyTutor, we’re inspired every day by how all of you help change people’s lives through their learning. To highlight just some of our best tutoring talent on the private platform each year, we asked parents and students to nominate their favourite tutors for an award from three categories: Best Mentor, Best Confidence Booster and Best Success Story. 

And the awards go to…

• Victor U for Best Mentor 👏

• Danielle J for Best Confidence Booster 👏

• Ruby D for Best Success Story 👏

A huge congratulations to our winners! Read their nominations in the blog.


The MyTutor team

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you. You can reach us on or 0203 773 6024.

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