Choosing your A levels

5 years ago
A Level · 5 years ago

Helping your child choose their A levels

When your child comes to choose their A Levels, it’s an exciting time for them a... Read more

6 years ago
Choosing your A levels

Learn a new language: book your child a MyTutor language session

Why should your child learn a new language? Why is practicing a language so important?... Read more

7 years ago
A Level

Geography?! Isn’t that just colouring in?

I’m an old, old woman now, well into my fourth year at university, but when I think ... Read more

Handpicked tutors who are proven to raise grades
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7 years ago
A Level

Physics can’t be cool – or can it?

What kind of person springs to mind when I say Physics student? Most people conjure up... Read more

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